NAC 2020-21 Seminar Series/Podcasts – “Laboring with a Multi-Generational Workforce.”

“Laboring with a Multi-Generational Workforce,” highlights the various generations of workers and how they perceive the work environment. It provides perspective on how to integrate diverse age groups and priorities from the employer. The presentation has been broken down into four episodes. ALL FOUR EPISODES are available here right now.

Video of the February 24 NAC Check-In Chat provides a great overview of the podcast series:

Laboring with a Multi-Generational Workforce, Episode 4 of 4 (featured Sponsors: Ricos Products Company, Royal Corporation, Vistar)

Laboring with a Multi-Generational Workforce, Episode 3 of 4 (featured sponsors: Pepsi and Gold Medal Products)

Laboring with a Multi-Generational Workforce, Episode 2 of 4 (featured sponsors: Coca-Cola and The Hershey Company)

Laboring with a Multi-Generational Workforce, Episode 1 of 4 (featured sponsors: Ferrara/Ferrero and Load King)

Data is presented to help you understand how to create the best culture in the workplace using your employees as the foundation. NAC Director of Education, Larry Etter, CCM is your guide on this can’t miss journey to see the multi-faceted levels of human inventory that run our business.

The reimagined NAC Seminar Series was to have featured at least one live session in Orange County, California at Royal Corporation Headquarters followed by a series of podcasts throughout the year. Due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions that meeting was canceled, but the podcasts series is now ready for your listening and education pleasure.

The podcasts can also currently be found on many of your favorite podcast platforms:



Google Podcasts



National Seminar / Podcast Partners:


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