Value Propositions: Sizing up refillable popcorn tubs and drink cups

| January 5, 2018

Note: The Snack Corner column is featured in Film Journal and is authored by Larry Etter, CCM, Sr. VP at Malco Theatres and Director of Education at NAC.

In an era of expanding concession items, heartier menus remain one of the biggest challenges to convincing theatre patrons that concession snacks are a good value. One means of creating a value proposition is offering refillable vessels. Some cinemas chains have toyed with the idea of creating a value proposition of annual refillable vessels, such as popcorn tubs. Purchase the large bucket for a higher price and receive unlimited refills for the remaining calendar year. The question is: How do theatre operators make this work? Is the aim to build higher per-capita sales? Is the aim to create a loyalty program that invites patrons back to the concession stand for added value? Is the promotion aimed at making the consumer visit the concession stand working?


Source: Film Journal, January 2, 2018

Category: Member News

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