MANY THANKS – a message from Dan Borschke

Daniel Borschke
Many NAC members have been very gracious over the last few weeks in extending their wishes for my retirement, which will begin with the first of the new year. Being at NAC has been the highlight of my 42 year association career. This community has been engaging as well as inclusive. It has been a delight being associated with such a vibrant and family-oriented membership and industry since 2011.
I do depart with mixed feelings. I know that I am leaving the organization in very capable hands. I have worked with Chris Dammann for fifteen years and you can’t find a better person for the job of Executive Vice President at this very challenging time for the industry as well as the association. Barbara Aslan and Brenda Hamill will also continue to direct the association forward and adapt to the challenges before us. Most importantly, the Board Leadership continues to plan for the future despite the fact that none of us know what that future will look like, post pandemic. It is because of the volunteer leadership of NAC that we continue to have a positive mindset for what is to come.
NAC means the world to me and I worry that the next few months will be very difficult financially. Like many of our members, the association has seen its income dwindle. Revenues for the 2020 NAC EXPO and 2020 CinemaCon did not materialize and unfortunately, we continue to see companies not renewing their memberships due to lack of funds. Our reserve fund has plummeted to a very modest amount. Not one member has said that NAC is not important to them, but they have told us that survival is their priority and just can’t afford NAC membership dues right now.
We have done some of the finest work we have ever done these last 9 months. We conducted 49 Reopening Conference Calls and we just completed a week-long virtual ReTreat Week where education and networking were a primary achievement. The last thing a very proud out-going administrator wants to see is an organization that could fail financially.
Before I go, I need to ask a favor. If you haven’t paid your membership dues, please do so if you can. Also if you can, please consider supporting the NAC Education Fund so that we can continue to provide worthwhile programming into 2021. Link Here:
Many thanks and see you at the movies,
Dan Borschke
Category: Feature