Get Involved

From time to time we receive inquiries regarding involvement in the NAC Board of Directors and how individual NAC members can get engaged in the governance of their association. Like many not-for-profits, NAC has evolved to what it is today. It is because of the Leadership and Support of numerous industry icons, the association finds itself today in a position of respectability and strength.

If you have an interest in Volunteering:
NAC Committees are always looking for additional volunteers and leaders. Your assistance and input on matters pertaining to your fellow NAC members are always welcome. The current Board President makes all Committee appointments. If interested in serving on a committee, please email

Here are the current NAC Standing Committees and their individual mandates:

NAC Charitable Causes Committee
The NAC Charitable Causes Committee is responsible for the planning, assessment and operation of all aspects of the Charitable Events to include the Charity Golf Event, the NAC Joe Chabot Memorial Silent Auction, and the NAC Expo Community Project. The Committee’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to: overall planning and execution of each Charitable Cause envent, and analysis and final report of the activity. The Committee will use the NAC Strategic Plan as their guide, meet at least twice a year in person, and a minumum of 4 additional virtual meetings. The committee chair will report to the NAC Board of Directors & Executive Committee on a regular basis. The Charitable Causes Committee may be subdivied at the discretion of the Chair of the Committee and NAC President into subcommittees for each individual event. The NAC President will appoint the Chair of the Committee from the current Board of Directors. Committee Members will be appointed by the NAC President as per interest of the volunteer.

NAC Communication & Marketing Committee
The NAC Communication & Marketing Committee is responsible for all aspects of the association’s communications and marketing functions. The Committee will plan, assess, and oversee such elements as publications, website, social media, public relations and marketing of new or on-going NAC programing. Additionally, the Committee is responsible for developing and marketing additional benefits that would motivate and encourage membership growth and membership engagement. The Committee will use the NAC Strategic Plan as their guide, meet at least twice a year in person, and a minumum of 4 additional virtual meetings. The committee chair will report to the NAC Board of Directors & Executive Committee on a regular basis. The NAC President will appoint the Chair of the Committee from the current Board of Directors. Committee Members will be appointed by the NAC President as per interest of the volunteer.

NAC Education Committee
The NAC Education Committee is responsible for all aspects of the association’s education and certification functions. The Committee will plan, assess, and oversee such elements as the Regional Seminars, Corporate Seminars, Certification Offerings and all current or future NAC Education Programming. The Committee Members will include all NAC Regional Vice Presidents, and the Director of Education. The Committee will use the NAC Strategic Plan as their guide, meet at least twice a year in person, and a minumum of 4 additional virtual meetings. The committee chair will report to the NAC Board of Directors & Executive Committee on a regular basis. The NAC President will appoint the Chair of the Committee from the current Board of Directors.

Executive Committee
As detailed by the NAC By Laws: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (1) member appointed by the President from the Board of Directors, and subject to approval by a majority vote of the Directors, along with the Chairman of the Board, President, President Elect, Vice Presidents, Treasurer, and Executive Vice President, without vote, shall constitute the Executive Committee. The Committee may exercise the powers of the Board of Directors when the Board is not in session, reporting its actions to the Board at its next regular meeting. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

NAC EXPO Committee
The NAC EXPO Committee is responsible for all aspects of the Annual NAC Concession & Hospitality EXPO including analyzing, planning, procurement of sponsorships, advancing the interest and sales of booths, determination of programing elements and assistance with the operations of all elements of the NAC EXPO. The Committee will use the NAC Strategic Plan as their guide, meet at least twice a year in person, and a minumum of 4 additional virtual meetings. The committee chair will report to the NAC Board of Directors & Executive Committee on a regular basis. The NAC President-Elect will act as Chair of the Committee. Committee Members will be appointed by the NAC President as per interest of the volunteer.

Government Relations Committee
The NAC Government Relations Committee is responsible for all aspects of the association’s legislative and regulatory functions. The Committee will plan, assess and respond to all pertinent on-going Municipal, State, International and Federal Legislative and Regulatory activities and will determine all necessary and germane actions that will advance concession and hospitality industry interests with the appropriate governmental apparatus. The Committee will use the NAC Strategic Plan as their guide, meet at least twice a year in person, and a monthly virtual meetings. The committee chair will report to the NAC Board of Directors & Executive Committee on a regular basis. The NAC President will appoint the Chair of the Committee from the current Board of Directors. Committee Members will be appointed by the NAC President as per interest of the volunteer.

NAC International Committee
The NAC International Committee is responsible for promoting and advancing and the association’s programs, membership and benefits on a global scale. The Committee will also develop additional programs tailored to meet the unique needs of international operators and suppliers. To accomplish this, the Committee will coordinate with other NAC Committees to assimilate programs to the varying needs that exist beyond the continental United States. The Committee will use the NAC Strategic Plan as their guide, meet at least twice a year in person with additional conference calls as needed and will report to the NAC Board of Directors on a regular basis.
The NAC President will appoint the Chair of the Committee. Committee Members will be appointed by the NAC President as per interest of the volunteer.

NAC Membership & Mentorship Committee
The NAC Membership & Mentorship Committee is responsible for growing association’s membership both in count and engagement, expanding the reach of the organization to untapped companies and professionals and enrich the association by benefitting from members with broad backgrounds, experiences and points of view. Creating a diverse membership comprised of different backgrounds, talents, experiences and perspectives the Committee is responsible for on-boarding new NAC Members, introducing them to all the benefits of the association. The Committee is “the welcome wagon” for new, re-engaged or interested members who now find it appropriate to partner with NAC to increase their own standing within the concession & hospitality channel as well as improve the concession and hospitality industry as a whole. The Committee will use the NAC Strategic Plan as their guide, meet at least twice a year in person, and a minumum of 4 additional virtual meetings. The committee chair will report to the NAC Board of Directors & Executive Committee on a regular basis. The NAC President will appoint the Chair of the Committee from the current Board of Directors. Committee Members will be appointed by the NAC President as per interest of the volunteer.

NAC Future Leaders Committee
The NAC Future Leaders Committee recognizes the need to engage those within the industry and the membership who will provide Leadership of NAC in upcoming years. This committee will investigate means to engage those individuals as well as advise current NAC Leaders on the needs of this burgeoning audience.

Nominating Committee
The NAC Nominating Committee is responsible for recommending director candidates for positions on the NAC Board of Directors and Officers on the NAC Executive Committee in accordance with the NAC By Laws and NAC Board Policy. Those recommendations are presented to the membership at the Annual Membership Meeting on the final day each year of the NAC Concession & Hospitality EXPO for approval. A quorum must be met and all members in good standing have the opportunity to nominate an individual for an opening at that time or approve the work of the Nominating Committee. As the NAC By Laws stipulate: The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Board, who will be chairman, the current President, the President Elect and at least two (2) past Presidents selected by the Committee Chairman. In the event the chairman cannot serve for whatever reason, the committee will select a chairman from among its members. The Committee shall perform its activities in accordance with policies as adopted by the Board of Directors.


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