Member Spotlight – Robert Case, New Pants Publishing

Robert Case
Company: New Pants Publishing – New Pants is an entertainment company with a real estate development background. We are currently developing and getting approved for a potential Drive-In Theatre site that we own in Southern Colorado.
Number of years in the concessions industry: Still learning the business.
NAC member since: 2014. I also serve on the NAC Outreach Committee.
Favorite NAC memory: The Reds baseball game and tour at the 2015 Expo.
Favorite concession item & how often do you eat it? Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups once a week.
What keeps you in the industry? People, networking and learning.
Biggest change in the industry: Reaching the consumer, building relationships and keeping them.
Favorite part of my job: Meeting people and helping them to succeed as a team..
Most challenging thing about my job: Staying informed and updated.
Strangest thing on your desk or in your office: Elvis Presley collector doll in his white jump suit from his Las Vegas performing days.
If I wasn’t in concessions, I’d be a: A historian.
Skill I’m most proud of: Networking.
Hobbies: Collecting memorabilia trading cards.
Best thing about being an NAC member: The people and the food!
Most interesting or valuable thing I’ve learned at an NAC meeting: Details in the business.
How do you motivate yourself on a tough day? Keep moving every day and be productive and it will pay off. Quitting is not an option for me.
How do you relax? Traveling and going to Denver Broncos home games. I’ve been a season ticket holder since 1981.
Volunteer Activities: Working with Easter Seals program and Salvation Army programs.
What do you do for recreation? Concerts, sporting events and movies.
The book I’m reading (or last book you read): Tom Hopkins, How to Master the Art of Selling.
Last good movie I saw: Jersey Boys.
If I could have one person to dinner, it would be: Lee Majors, actor.
I wish I knew how to… Spell better.
I can’t live without: Entertainment, movies, music.
The person in history I’d most like to meet: Ronald Reagan.
My personal motto is… It can be done!
Favorite holiday & why? Christmas family gatherings.
I never miss… Watching history documentary shows.
Favorite U.S. city: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Pet Peeve: Not being prepared for a project.
My dream vacation would be: Sydney, Australia in March.
If I could change one thing about myself, it would be… Listen more to details.
Anything else you want to tell us, or want people to know… I am happy to be with the NAC family!
Category: Feature